“The making of pictures is a stern discipline. One may ‘write around’ a subject where one is not quite sure of the details, but, with brush in hand before the drawing board, one must be precise and realistic. The white paper before the artist demands the truth.”
— Frank H. Netter, M.D.
Cadaver sketches from direct observation, created during gross anatomy course at Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014.

Ileal Conduit Chapter Sketches
These surgical sketches were created based on observation of surgical videos. These are steps of robot-assisted intra-corporeal ileal conduit urinary diversion.
Robot-assisted intra-corporeal ileal conduit is a procedure in which a conduit is created, using a segment of the ileum of the small intestine, for urine to exit the body. When the bladder is removed, something must be used to connect the ureters (from the kidneys) to the outside of the body to remove waste. After an ileal conduit procedure, the patient will have a stoma and an ostomy bag to collect and dispose of urine.
© Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center